Thursday, November 7, 2024

EOTO Reacts Post

    In class today have had four groups present their topics on communications timelines, each going over their history and impact. From the second group Hudson Nugent talked about the history and impact of the radio going back to two inventors one of them being Nikola Tesla who first started the idea and later over the years this idea was built on and came to work due to newer technology and discoveries. The third person Sasha talked about Facebook history. Facebook was made by a computer programmer at the time he was 23 years old named Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook was made because Mark couldn't talk to people like his friends or stayed somewhat in touch once he graduated college this was his main drive. The impact of this is majority of companies like Instagram have shown up but are more secure from misinformation but give the ability to alter their image to better their life and this has shown to put down others. The sixth person from group two is Josh who talked about the history of DVD which stands for Digital Versatile Disc which was invented in 1997. The impact of DVDs got rid of VHS tapes, they were able to store any type of media and were easier to transport things and carry. The last person in group two Dondre, talked about the history and impact of the iPod. Where the main reason why the iPod was made is that MP3 players and ways to listen to music on the go weren't as good. These objects were either too expensive or too big so Steve Jobs made the iPod which was $400 and was smaller and easier to carry around and listen to music. Because of this, there isn't a negative impact besides iPods can be kind of distracting.

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